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Dialogue in the Dark

One experience. Total darkness. A new perspective.

Dialogue in the Dark

One experience.
Total darkness.
A new perspective.

A unique
Dark experience




Plunge into darkness: Dialogue in the Dark
Embark on a journey with Dialogue in the Dark, where blind guides lead you through a completely lightless world. Equipped with a white cane, you will discover everyday situations such as walking in the park or crossing a street in a completely different way.
From darkness to dialogue: An eye-opening experience
The tour ends in our unique Dark Bar. While enjoying a drink in the dark, you will have the opportunity to ask all the questions that have come up during the tour and to gain a deeper insight into life without visual perception.
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Dialogue in the Dark Reviews

What our visitors think about Dialogue in the Dark

Jochen L.
An impressive experience. We were introduced to the world of the visually impaired and blind. Here, in total darkness, you get an impression of the issues you are confronted with. The introduction and accompaniment by our guide Jeremy, who answered all our questions directly and clearly, was great.
Konca Yade Y
I love this experience. I did it many years ago and I thought it was time to start the journey again. We forget far too quickly or are sometimes unable to judge how our fellow human beings who are blind are doing. And this place is perfect for empathising a little and then being more considerate.
Julia S.
I would like to say a big thank you for the great experience with you! We felt very welcome right from the start. Everything was well explained and made the tour in the dark something very special! Special thanks go to our guide Bernd, who was on hand to answer any questions we had. Wonderful all round! We will definitely try out one of your other offers
Gino Franco Fazzi
Excellent experience. Besides being different than other tours, it gives you the opportunity to experience firsthand life as a blind, allowing to gain perspective and raise awareness. Absolutely loved it. Recommended.
Johanna Heinrichsen
We were at Dialogue in the Dark and had a great guide who accompanied us in a safe, confident, open and friendly manner and answered our questions. The experience was unique for us and opened up a new perspective. I would want to visit Dialogue in the Dark at the next opportunity.
Natali Tran
It was a totally eye-opening and interesting experience. Our guide was very open and answered all our questions. It was a lot of fun with the group and we were very impressed with the guide's orientation despite being blind. As we bought tickets in advance, we were right on time, even though we had to wait because we arrived very early
It really is the best museum I've ever been to. Our guide André was great and led us through the tour in the dark with a lot of humour. It's the perfect place to explore the topic of inclusion, so it's almost obligatory for everyone to stop by when visiting Hamburg. All the staff were extremely friendly. You guys are great!
Thomas K.
Impressive! The offer is really well done. Immersing yourself in a "foreign" world and experiencing it with all your senses *except your sense of sight) is an experience. Our guide was very good. We could always rely 100% on them. Our children (9+13 years old) were also very enthusiastic.
Gutscheinkarte mit dem Logo von Dialog im Dunkeln


There is no better gift than sharing a unique experience like this! Give the gift of unforgettable moments that take you into the world of darkness and bring the invisible to life.

Good to know

Dialoghaus Hamburg

Alter Wandrahm 4, 20457 Hamburg

The Dialoghaus Hamburg is located in the historic Speicherstadt, the world’s largest warehouse complex in the port of Hamburg. Together with the Kontorhaus district, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2015.

Right next to the Dialoghaus is one of Hamburg’s most popular photo spots: the Wasserschloss. Especially at dusk, the rear view of the Wasserschloss from the Poggenmühlen Bridge offers an impressive photo motif.

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Das Bild zeigt eine Ansammlung von bunten Liebesschlössern, die an einer Brücke befestigt sind. Im Hintergrund ist eine Stadtansicht mit Gebäuden, die von der Sonne angestrahlt werden, zu erkennen. Die Schlösser variieren in Farbe und Größe, einige haben Gravuren oder Beschriftungen. Über dem Bild schweben animierte Herzen in verschiedenen Farben, die ein Gefühl von Romantik und Liebe vermitteln. Zwei große, rote, grafisch dargestellte Schlösser im Vordergrund symbolisieren die Tradition der Liebesschlösser.

Dein Valentinstags-Date
im Dunkeln

Am Valentinstag, den 14. Februar, können Besucher*innen ihre Liebe oder Freundschaft verewigen, indem sie ihr persönliches Liebesschloss während der Dunkel-Tour anbringen. Bringt eure Schlösser mit und lasst euch überraschen, was die Tour sonst noch bereithält… 💘🤐

Erlebt das Außergewöhnliche:
Dialog im Dunkeln XXL Tour

Nur sonntags verfügbar – entdeckt zwei exklusive Räume in einem 90-minütigen, einzigartigen Sinneserlebnis.

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