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Dialogue in Silence

Enter a world of silence, change your perspective.

Dialog in Silence

Enter a world of silence, change your perspective.​

Exhibition in Silence




Listen to the silence: an adventure in non-verbal communication

Dialogue in Silence is a silent, interactive experience led by deaf guides. With soundproof headphones, you immerse yourself in deaf culture and learn facial expressions, gestures and signs at stations. At the end, you can ask questions and find out more about the lives of deaf people.

Silence challenge: Are you ready to remain silent?

Dialogue in silence challenges you in non-verbal communication. Using hands, feet and grimaces, you will discover new ways of communicating. A unique, immersive experience that promises unexpected moments.

Dialogue in Silence Reviews

What our visitors think about Dialogue in Silence

Anne-Sophie M.
It was a really great experience and reminded us that not everyone is treated equally in society. The 60 minutes didn't even begin to represent how the other person feels, but it made you realise how valuable it is to have all your senses. An experience everyone should have. Highly recommended!
Jutta H.
Dear Dialogue team, We are one experience richer, were able to find out how our dexterity is doing, that seeing is very important and got to know a super nice deaf companion. Thank you very much
Jan P.
It was an incredibly exciting and informative hour with our guide Andzejus. He guided us through the different rooms in a very patient, funny and entertaining way. During the Q&A session at the end, I would have needed at least another hour to ask all the questions. Next time then!
Manuela K.
Ten years ago we had the Dialogue in the Dark, which was a mega great experience, and now the Dialogue in Silence. You see a lot of challenges at eye level that you wouldn't even think about otherwise. The guides are all very friendly and take you through their world with empathy. A wonderful experience that everyone should have at least once to better understand all members of our society.
Laura B.
The tour was really impressive and interesting and we learnt a lot from it. It was very interactive and we also laughed a lot and had fun. Our guide was extremely friendly and gave us a great tour of the exhibition. We were allowed to ask questions at the end and everything was answered. Highly recommended!
Janine F.
We highly recommend this experience. Andzejus was a great guide through the dialogue of silence. His enthusiasm to show us something of his world was mega and completely fascinated us for 1 hour. We were also very touched by the personal dialogue with him at the end.
Jana S.
A beautiful exhibition with interactive and fun elements! It's always important to put yourself in other people's shoes from time to time and this is wonderfully possible here! Our guide was just a great, very likeable man and it was interesting to listen to him!
Patrick J.
The tour is very interesting and is led by a deaf guide who introduces you to life in silence and teaches you how to communicate with humour and fun. It was amazing how well we understood him. Afterwards, Sören, the guide, was open to questions. An interpreter was brought in to help and you could also ask him personal questions about his "disability".
Gutscheinkarte mit dem Logo von Dialog im Stillen


There's no better gift than sharing a unique experience like this. Give the gift of a visit for Dialogue in Silence - the immersive insider tip in Hamburg.

Good to know

Dialoghaus Hamburg

Alter Wandrahm 4, 20457 Hamburg

The Dialoghaus Hamburg is located in the historic Speicherstadt, the world’s largest warehouse complex in the port of Hamburg. Together with the Kontorhaus district, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2015.

Right next to the Dialoghaus is one of Hamburg’s most popular photo spots: the Wasserschloss. Especially at dusk, the rear view of the Wasserschloss from the Poggenmühlen Bridge offers an impressive photo motif.

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Das Bild zeigt eine Ansammlung von bunten Liebesschlössern, die an einer Brücke befestigt sind. Im Hintergrund ist eine Stadtansicht mit Gebäuden, die von der Sonne angestrahlt werden, zu erkennen. Die Schlösser variieren in Farbe und Größe, einige haben Gravuren oder Beschriftungen. Über dem Bild schweben animierte Herzen in verschiedenen Farben, die ein Gefühl von Romantik und Liebe vermitteln. Zwei große, rote, grafisch dargestellte Schlösser im Vordergrund symbolisieren die Tradition der Liebesschlösser.

Dein Valentinstags-Date
im Dunkeln

Am Valentinstag, den 14. Februar, können Besucher*innen ihre Liebe oder Freundschaft verewigen, indem sie ihr persönliches Liebesschloss während der Dunkel-Tour anbringen. Bringt eure Schlösser mit und lasst euch überraschen, was die Tour sonst noch bereithält… 💘🤐

Erlebt das Außergewöhnliche:
Dialog im Dunkeln XXL Tour

Nur sonntags verfügbar – entdeckt zwei exklusive Räume in einem 90-minütigen, einzigartigen Sinneserlebnis.

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