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FAQ Dinner in the Dark

At ‘Dinner in the Dark’, you will experience an extraordinary 4-course menu in complete darkness. The evening begins with a champagne reception in the bright foyer before you are led into the darkness. Without any visual distractions, your other senses will be heightened and you will perceive flavours, smells and sounds more intensely. Visually impaired or blind guides will accompany you safely through this special experience.

Don’t worry, we have a simple system for this: you simply place your hand on the shoulder of the person in front of you and your blind or visually impaired guide will lead you safely to your table. We know that some people may be apprehensive at first, but don’t worry, this method has proven to be very effective.

Yes, Dinner in the Dark can be visited with a group. The maximum group size per table is 10 people. If you come with a smaller group, more guests will be added until the table is full – a great opportunity to make new friends. However, if you are 10 people, you will have a table all to yourselves and our guides will seat you accordingly. If you prefer to enjoy the dinner exclusively, you can also book it as a private event. Availability and bookings can be conveniently checked and made online.

Yes, you will be sitting at a table with other guests. Our table arrangement encourages socialising by seating our guests at tables of up to 10 people to intensify communication and the shared experience. This provides a great opportunity to meet new people in a unique setting.

If you take part in Dinner in the Dark with 10 people, we will of course seat you together at one table. Dinner in the Dark can also be booked as an exclusive event for a private party.

Drinks are not included in the price of the dinner and will be charged separately. To give you an overview of our selection and perhaps help you make a choice in advance, you can view our drinks menu online. Click here for the drinks menu!

Please bring cash to pay for drinks, as these are not included in the ticket price. If you don’t have enough with you, there is an ATM near the mirror building.

We want everyone to have a perfect dining experience with us. That’s why you can choose between meat, vegetarian or vegan menu options. Simply state your preference when booking so that we can prepare your dinner exactly to your taste. This way we ensure that every guest gets their money’s worth.

Yes, of course you can notify us of any allergies in advance. Simply state your special dietary requirements or allergies when booking. We will make sure that these are fully taken into account when preparing the menu so that you can enjoy your Dinner in the Dark without any worries.

Ja, wenn du dich während dem Erlebnis unwohl fühlen solltest, kannst du das Erlebnis jederzeit abbrechen. Unser Guide ist stets im selben Raum. Mache auf dich aufmerksam, und du wirst umgehend auf dem schnellsten Weg nach draußen ins Licht begleitet. Ein erneutes Betreten des Erlebnisses ist leider nicht mehr möglich, wir bitten hierbei um Verständnis.

Eine spezielle Vorbereitung ist nicht notwendig. Besuche uns mit einem offenen Geist und der Bereitschaft, dich auf eine einzigartige Erfahrung einzulassen. Unsere erfahrenen Guides werden dich sicher durch die Dunkelheit führen.

Für das Dinner in the Dark benötigst du keine speziellen Gegenstände. Bitte beachte, dass während des Dinners keine leuchtenden Gegenstände wie Smartphones, Smartwatches oder andere Lichtquellen mit in den Raum genommen werden dürfen. Diese können kostenlos in unseren Schließfächern verstaut werden, um das Erlebnis in völliger Dunkelheit zu gewährleisten.

Absolut! Wir empfehlen, die Möglichkeit zu nutzen, die weiteren Gäste vorab im hellen Foyer beim Begrüßungssekt kennenzulernen. So könnt ihr schon vor dem Betreten des Dunkelrestaurants erste Kontakte knüpfen. Die geteilte Vorfreude vor dem Abenteuer ist ein echter Eisbrecher.

As the experience takes place in complete darkness and mainly relies on auditory elements, it is unfortunately not suitable for deaf people.

Access to the experience is barrier-free for wheelchair users. In order to make your visit as smooth as possible, we ask you to book in advance with our visitor service, ideally up to 2 days before your visit.

Toilet: A barrier-free toilet is located in the foyer on the ground floor.

We ask for your understanding that assistance animals cannot be present in the dark in order to protect both the animals and you.

Absolutely! Dinner in the Dark offers a platform for encounters and dialogue between blind/visually impaired people and sighted people. It’s a great opportunity to change perspectives and learn from the experiences of others.

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