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FAQ Dialogue in Silence

Embark on a very special experience with Dialogue in Silence. It is an immersive, interactive experience that takes place in complete silence. It is led by deaf guides and offers you the unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and communication methods of the deaf community. Equipped with soundproof headphones, you will go on the tour through various experience stations where you will learn how facial expressions, gestures and signs enrich everyday life and how communication can be deep and expressive even without words. At the end of the tour, you will have the opportunity to ask your guide questions with the help of a sign language interpreter and engage in a deeper dialogue to find out more about everyday life and the lives of deaf people.

No, previous knowledge of sign language is not required. You will be introduced to the basics of sign language and learn in a fun way how to communicate without spoken words – a challenge that is very fascinating. Our guides are experts in promoting comprehensible communication. The focus here is on the playful experience of engaging with the world in complete silence.

Discounted tickets are available for individuals with a valid disability ID and their companion, as well as for students and seniors (65 years and older). Please present the necessary documentation at the event to receive the discount.

Yes, “Dialogue in Silence” is suitable for children and adults alike. It is a valuable experience for all ages that promotes empathy and raises awareness of the challenges and opportunities of communicating without hearing. We recommend the experience from the age of 6.

Dialogue in Silence” offers a platform for encounters and exchanges between hearing and non-hearing people. It is a great opportunity to experience the diversity of communication and to learn from the experiences of others.

We recommend booking online in advance to avoid waiting times and to ensure that you get your desired date. You can check availability via our online ticket shop and book tickets directly, which will then be sent to you by email. This means you can arrive with your digital tickets 20 minutes before the start of the experience. If you have any further questions, our visitor service will be happy to help you by phone or email.

If you are in the area spontaneously, you are welcome to drop by our box office and find out about our Dialogue House experiences and availability on site.

ATTENTION: We unfortunately cannot provide wheelchair access to the experience at this time. We are working on a solution and apologise for any inconvenience caused.

As the experience takes place in complete silence and relies mainly on visual elements, it has limited suitability for blind/visually impaired people.

Toilet: An accessible toilet is located in the foyer on the ground floor.

If you found “Dialogue in the Dark” fascinating, you’ll love “Dialogue in Silence”! The main difference lies in the concept: while in Dialogue in the Dark you explore the world without visual perception, in Dialogue in Silence you immerse yourself in the experiential world of deafness, which focuses on communication without words but with a lot of visuality. This change in sensory focus creates an equally immersive and memorable experience. Many visitors report that dialogue in silence is an impressive experience and praise it as an absolute insider tip. It is an impressive and positive experience that is guaranteed to go down well with fans of “dialogue in the dark”. An unforgettable opportunity to experience a new world of communication with friends and family in a whole new way!

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im Dunkeln

Am Valentinstag, den 14. Februar, können Besucher*innen ihre Liebe oder Freundschaft verewigen, indem sie ihr persönliches Liebesschloss während der Dunkel-Tour anbringen. Bringt eure Schlösser mit und lasst euch überraschen, was die Tour sonst noch bereithält… 💘🤐

Erlebt das Außergewöhnliche:
Dialog im Dunkeln XXL Tour

Nur sonntags verfügbar – entdeckt zwei exklusive Räume in einem 90-minütigen, einzigartigen Sinneserlebnis.

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