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FAQ Dialogue in the Dark

Dialogue in the Dark is an immersive exhibition where blind or partially sighted guides take you through a variety of everyday scenarios in complete darkness. This unique experience allows you to experience everyday life and challenges from the perspective of a blind person, promoting understanding and empathy. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have during the tour and gain a deeper insight into life without sight over a drink in our dark bar.

We recommend you book online in advance to avoid queues and ensure you get the date you want. You can use our online ticket shop to check availability and book tickets directly, which will then be emailed to you. This means you can arrive with your digital tickets 20 minutes before the experience starts.

If you are in the area spontaneously, you are welcome to visit our box office to find out about the Dialogue in the Dark experience and availability.

Discounted tickets are available for individuals with a valid disability ID and their companion, as well as for students and seniors (65 years and older). Please present the necessary documentation at the event to receive the discount.

Yes, if you feel uncomfortable during the experience, you can leave at any time. Our guide is always in the same room. Draw attention to yourself and you will be escorted out into the light as quickly as possible. Unfortunately it is not possible to rejoin the experience, once you left.

No, the Dialogue in the Dark tour focuses on the experience of being in the dark, not the fright. There are no hidden actors or shock elements.

Of course, you may accidentally come into contact with other people or objects in the dark. We advise you to move slowly and carefully. You will receive safety instructions and information from your guide so you can enjoy the adventure in peace.

Yes, Dialogue in the Dark can be visited with a group. The maximum group size for a tour is 8 people. If you arrive with a smaller group, for example 6 people, more people will be admitted to your group until the maximum number is reached.

With a group size of 8, persons, you have the option of booking a full slot. For private occasions, such as birthdays or company events, please contact our visitor Services team who will be able to provide you with suitable options. Availability and bookings can be conveniently checked and made online.

You do not need any special equipment for the tour. Everything else, including white canes, is provided by us as part of the experience..

No special preparation is required. Come with an open mind and a willingness to embark on a unique experience. Our experienced guides will lead you safely through the darkness.

As the experience takes place in total darkness and relies mainly on auditory elements, it is unfortunately not suitable for deaf people.

The experience is accessible to wheelchair users. To make your visit as smooth as possible, please book in advance with our visitor services, ideally up to 2 days before your visit.

Toilet facilities: There is a disabled toilet in the foyer on the ground floor.

To protect both the animals and you, we ask for your understanding that assistance animals cannot be present in the dark.

Absolutely! “Dialogue in the dark” offers a platform for encounters and exchanges between blind/visually impaired people and sighted people. It is a great opportunity to change perspectives and learn from each other’s experiences.

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Dein Valentinstags-Date
im Dunkeln

Am Valentinstag, den 14. Februar, können Besucher*innen ihre Liebe oder Freundschaft verewigen, indem sie ihr persönliches Liebesschloss während der Dunkel-Tour anbringen. Bringt eure Schlösser mit und lasst euch überraschen, was die Tour sonst noch bereithält… 💘🤐

Erlebt das Außergewöhnliche:
Dialog im Dunkeln XXL Tour

Nur sonntags verfügbar – entdeckt zwei exklusive Räume in einem 90-minütigen, einzigartigen Sinneserlebnis.

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